Advertising at YXT

YXT proudly provides advertising options inside of our terminal to help you capture the attention of over 18,000 unique visitors each month. Advertising at YXT is designed to be easy, affordable and visible in the high traffic areas of the terminal. All advertising options are contracted on a 1 year term. Clients are responsible for providing their printed or digitally designed ad to the airport. YXT, with partners install, and upload all advertising to be displayed in the terminal. For further information on advertising at YXT, contact Brandie [email protected] . For assistance with design, print and installation of advertising , contact our partner,
Westco Designs , [email protected]

Digital Advertising

YXT offers digital advertising on six 44″ TVs throughout the terminal as well as one 80″ near the airline check-in kiosks. Displaying 15 second video or static ads, this is an economical way for businesses to stretch their marketing dollars.

Backlit Static Signs

Featured in the Arrivals area of the terminal, YXT has 25 backlit sign cabinets available for advertising. All signs are printed on 7.5mm backlit film giving maximum impact when installed in the backlit cabinets. All backlit signs utilize LED technology and lit 24 hours a day.

Stachion Security Glass Ads

Featured on both sides of the stanchion glass in the security line-up, this option puts your brand in front of travellers while they wait. These ads have a great line of sight from Arrivals and the airport restaurant.

Window Door Ads

Featured on all interior and exteriors entrances and exits of the airport terminal, these ads are installed on both sides of the windows of each door. These advertisements allow you to capture the attention of travellers when they enter and exit the terminal.

For more information and pricing to advertising at YXT, see the pdf below. Pricing is subject to change. Prices are current as of the 2024-2025 advertising term.